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Exotic Artificial Papyrus

Items: 17 of 7
SKU Product name   Price    
P-3705 P-3705 5 feet Exotic Papyrus Floor Plant
  • $101.03
  • $106.35
  • SKU: P-3705
P-0291 Series1 Silk Papyrus Choose between 4 feet & 6 Feet
  • $246.91
  • $259.90
  • SKU: P-0291 Series
P-0290 4 feet Papyrus Plant - 20 Heads - 197 Leaves - Green
  • 5% off
  • $114.84
  • $120.88
  • SKU: P-0290
P-0291 6 Foot Papyrus Plant - 27 Heads - 477 Leaves - Green
  • 5% off
  • $246.91
  • $259.90
  • SKU: P-0291
A-70520 38 inches Faux Papyrus Stem - Green
  • 5% off
  • $8.88
  • $9.35
  • SKU: A-70520
EFA-215 55 inches Cyperus Papyrus Plant in Pot Green
  • $177.55
  • $186.89
  • SKU: EFA-215
EFA-6 55 inches Papyrus Plant in Pot Green
  • 18% off
  • $156.66
  • $189.90
  • SKU: EFA-6

Artificial Papyrus Tropical Plant- Invigorate your surroundings with our artificial tropical plants. Create a tropical oasis with our everlasting allure of flowing tropical colors sure to awaken any fortress.

Decorating with exotic artificial papyrus can bring a touch of the ancient and mysterious to your interior decor. Papyrus is an aquatic plant with tall, slender stems and umbrella-like clusters at the top. Here are some ideas on how to decorate with exotic artificial papyrus:

Choose the right location: Place the artificial papyrus in a spot where it can stand out and make a statement. Consider positioning it in a corner, near a window, or in an area that needs a vertical element.

Use an appropriate container: Repot the artificial papyrus into a stylish and decorative container that complements your decor. Consider using a tall, slender planter made of natural materials like ceramic or bamboo.

Create a tranquil corner: Set up a peaceful and serene corner in your living room or bedroom with the artificial papyrus as the centerpiece. Add a comfortable chair, a soft rug, and some decorative elements like stones or seashells to complete the look.

Combine with other artificial plants: Create a lush and tropical display by pairing the artificial papyrus with other artificial plants or foliage. Mix and match different types of greenery to add variety and texture to your decor.

Set up a botanical-themed vignette: Arrange the artificial papyrus as part of a larger vignette with other decorative elements like books, candles, and small sculptures that evoke a sense of nature and mystery.

Use it as a room divider: If you have an open floor plan, place the artificial papyrus strategically to create a natural room divider and add a touch of privacy to different areas of the room.

Pair with proper lighting: Use appropriate lighting to highlight the beauty of the artificial papyrus. Position it near a window or use soft, warm lighting to create a relaxing atmosphere.

Complement with earthy decor: Enhance the exotic feel by incorporating other earthy and natural decor elements like woven baskets, jute rugs, or wooden furniture.

Mix with real plants: Combine the artificial papyrus with real aquatic plants to create a unique and refreshing water-inspired display. Make sure to choose plants that can thrive in similar conditions to maintain the illusion.

Keep it clean: Regularly dust your artificial papyrus to keep it looking fresh and vibrant. Periodically check for any damage or wear and tear, and make replacements as needed.

With careful consideration of placement and complementary elements, the exotic artificial papyrus can add an air of mystery and intrigue to your home or office decor. Its unique appearance and vertical presence will bring an ancient and enigmatic touch to your interior space.